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broadcast recording 31 March, 13:30

As­trid Kahmke. Build the in­fras­truc­ture that let you work in VR

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VR is a new medium, a new art form, a new technology. It is challenging to explore the opportunities of immersive storytelling without a comprehensive approach and developing a holistic infrastructure for this art field. What are its integral components, and most importantly, how to build them


Astrid Kahmke

Astrid Kahmke

head of the Creators’ lab for XR and works as curator for immersive arts, consultant and producer

In the past she produced feature films which, was Creative Director of the Bavarian Film Center for several years, where she started to build the infrastructure for the XR industry with governmental support in Bavaria from 2016 on. She was Festivaldirector and co-founder of the Virtual Worlds Festival in Munich and co-curated one of the first VR Festivals completely in Virtual Reality together with Stereopsia (Brussels) and VRrOOm in VRChat in 2020. 

VR DOC LAB event

This is a series of thematic lectures by leading European specialists who will consider the stages of producing a VR film, step by step from script development to distribution. The lectures will form part of the festival’s DOCU/PRO Industry Programme, in collaboration with the Academy of Visual Arts, Kharkiv.