eng: big red ball with a baby in the middle. A smiling man reached out to her.

Linoleum presents: Daddycatted

Baby with a Playlist

director: Juho Luukkainen
Original language with English and Ukrainian subtitles. To watch with Ukrainian audio description, press the AUDIO DESCRIPTION (UKR) button under the player. Audio description is not available in case watching all the movies together in a one player.
Original language with English and Ukrainian subtitles. To watch with Ukrainian audio description, press the AUDIO DESCRIPTION (UKR) button under the player. Audio description is not available in case watching all the movies together in a one player.
eng: Notification

the film is no longer available

Since direct contact with unborn babies isn’t yet possible, fathers have come up with a different means of communication. They play their favourite music at the mother’s belly: from classical compositions to death metal. Expectant fathers are convinced that a carefully selected playlist is the best way to introduce yourself to the baby.


Juho Luukkainen


Patrik Sigmundt


Jan Andersson


Juho Luukkainen


Kaiho Republic

Ask the filmmaker

The ticket allows you to watch all the films in the Linoleum presents: Daddycatted programme.

Film of the Film of the Linoleum presents: Daddycatted programme

The first part of the documentary animation programme presents five films which address the memories of our fathers: good or traumatic, clear and sometimes vague.

eng: Info

Read more about the film on DOCUDAYS UA