A documentary series is a singular format for recounting the surprising adventures of a village in the South of France. For years, Claire Simon set up her camera in the only street in Lussas, which, like the Hollywood studios, brings together all the professions of the documentary film industry. Surrounded by vines and fruit trees, she observes the birth of an online film distribution cooperative. Over the seasons, Jean-Marie, a visionary documentary-lover, Jean-Paul, mayor-farmer, Patrice, who has gone ‘back to the land’, Manu and Vincent who sell their natural wine to Japan, and a whole community of film-loving neo-country-dwellers throw themselves passionately into ambitious, modern and rural undertakings. The film is a collective story of a village anchored in our time, like the fulfilment of a gentle utopia.
Claire Simon
Claire Simon
Virgile van Ginneken, Arnaud Marten, Vincent Brunier, Daniel Capeille
Luc Forveille
Petit à Petit Production, Les films de la Caravane