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broadcast recording 06 June, 15:00

Mis­informa­tion: Its crea­tion and disco­ve­ry using AI

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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The World Economic Forum has named the risks of the next two years — these are armed conflicts in the world (including the war in Ukraine) and ever broader opportunities for information manipulation using artificial intelligence.

Russia is using AI widely for misinformation campaigns, for example, by creating fake photos and videos. Ukraine uses AI to prevent and counteract informational manipulations. Who does it and in what way?


Olha Petriv

artificial intelligence lawyer at the Centre for Democracy and the Rule of Law, member of the Committee for the Development of Artificial Intelligence at the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation

Yulia Dukach

sociologist, Head of Russian Disinformation Study Section at Texty.org.ua

Anna Bulakh

Head of Ethics and Partnerships at Respeecher and member of the AI Committee at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Andriy Brodetskyi

journalist, investment analyst at Horizon Capital

The Ukraine War Archive event

We invite the audience to watch the events of the Ukraine War Archive, a project by NGO Docudays and Infoscope which collects and catalogues digital materials of the great war.