State of Emergency

Fortress Mariupol. Orest

director: Yuliia Hontaruk
In Ukrainian and Russian with English subtitles.
In Ukrainian and Russian with English subtitles.
eng: Notification

the film is no longer available

Fortress Mariupol is a cycle of short films based on video calls to the soldiers who were surrounded by the Russian army in Mariupol at the Azovstal plant. From the beginning of the siege of Azovstal the director had conversations with soldiers of the Azov Regiment, revealing their portraits.

This film is dedicated to Dmytro Kozatsky with the call sign “Orest”. Orest is a former liaison officer and head of the Azov Regiment’s press service in Mariupol. Orest has been covering the world situation in Mariupol and at Azovstal since the beginning of the Russian invasion. There he was captured by the Russians. When the film had already been released, after four months in captivity, Dmytro was returned home during a prisoner exchange.


Yuliia Hontaruk





State of Emergency

Special edition of Docudays UA

eng: Info

Read more about the film on DOCUDAYS UA