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broadcast recording 05 June, 18:00

Film festivals: are they opportunities to hang out with friends or drivers of change?

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The conversation is held in English.
The conversation is held in English.
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What are festivals for? Are they places for escapism and the apolitical contemplation of art on the big screen, or are they an opportunity to take an articulate stance and promote social changes which match the values and beliefs of the festival?
It seems so easy: deny participation to films from the aggressor country, organise special screenings representing marginalised groups, call for peace and justice. But where is the line between sincere activism and the demonstrative evasion of responsibility?
As we think about images of the future, we will discuss the ethical challenges which festivals have faced, and the way the path we have walked shapes the vision of a contemporary film festival.


Alex Malyshenko

moderator, film journalist, publishing editor of the Moviegram online publication about cinema, programme director of the Mykolaichuk OPEN festival

Bohdan Zhuk

programmer for the KIFF Molodist, curator its LGBTQ+ program SUNNY BUNNY, co-founder and director of the SUNNY BUNNY festival, manager of the programs and at jury member at various festivals, communication manager (British Council Ukraine), translator

Eva Križková

cofounder, PR and project manager of the Filmtopia distribution company, executive director of the International festival of documentary films One World Slovakia

Marko Grba Singh

director, Artistic Director of BELDOCS, the Belgrade International Documentary Film Festival

Myrocia Watamaniuk

Senior International Programmer at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival in Toronto; a programmer at Toronto International Film Festival, Aspen ShortsFest etc; a television broadcaster, producer for CBC News, CBC Toronto and Rogers TV


The DOCU/CLASS workshop of the 20th Docudays UA offers public discussions with film professionals and cultural managers about building and protecting the future.