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broadcast recording 01 June, 15:00

10 years of the DOCU/CLUB Net­work: How do­cu­men­taries and film club initia­tives chan­ge Ukrai­ne’s commu­ni­ties

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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In the tumultuous 2014, the year of the Revolution of Dignity and the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the first Docudays UA film clubs opened. Their moderators were both leaders ready to form a community of activists around the film clubs and just engaged people who wanted to show documentaries to people, change life in their communities for the better.

Today, the DOCU/CLUB Network includes 424 film clubs which bring together over 40,000 viewers every year. What is the power of film clubs’ impact on communities? How does the Network support grassroots initiatives and teach residents to achieve positive change in communities? How do film clubs influence the formation of civil society through documentary films?


Olha Babchuk

Communications Manager of the DOCU/CLUB Network

Nina Khoma

Head of the DOCU/CLUB Network at Docudays NGO

Alla Tiutiunnyk

Director of the Strategic Development Department at Docudays NGO


The DOCU/CLUB Network is one of the strategic vectors of the NGO Docudays, aimed at raising awareness of human rights and providing Ukrainians with free access to the best documentary films from all over the world.