eng: The young woman is calling on her mobile phone. Ukrainian flag on the background.

Almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan

Crimea SOS

director: Serhiy Lysenko
Original with English subtitles.
Original with English subtitles.

On the first day of Russian occupation of the peninsula, activists Tamila Tasheva, Sevgil Musaeva and Alim Aliyev created the Facebook page Crimea SOS to provide up-to- date, reliable information about the situation in Crimea. Later, they started to help the internally displaced people not only from Crimea but also from Donbas, where armed conflict is going on. The organisation started to evolve rapidly, became a UN partner on the issue of refugees in Ukraine, created three offices in Kyiv, Kherson, and Lviv. Today, Crimea SOS provides urgent humanitarian, legal, psychological aid to the internally displaced people, fights for returning Crimea to Ukraine. For the two years of its activity, Crimea SOS have provided help to more than 200,000 people.


Serhiy Lysenko


Roman Bondarchuk

Almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan

Almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan is nine stories about the outbreak of civil activism in Ukraine.