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broadcast recording 04 June, 18:30

War tra­u­ma: How hi­bu­ki the­ra­py helps child­ren

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian with sign language interpretation.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian with sign language interpretation.
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During the full-scale war, the mental health and well-being of Ukrainian children has drastically deteriorated. According to a UNICEF estimate, 1.5 million Ukrainian children are at risk for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health problems. Ukrainian and Israeli experts have undertaken to help children cope with stress, overcome their fears, and feel safe. Together they practise hibuki therapy in pilot schools all over Ukraine. How does the experience of Israel, a country that is constantly in the state of war, help Ukrainian children?


Organisers: NGO Docudays


Tetiana Shapran

psychologist, member of the Ukrainian Association of Therapists

Halyna Syshchuk

psychologist, teacher, hibuki therapist

Dafna Sharon-Maximov

founder of the hibuki therapy method and programme coordinator, Israel

Svitlana Isayeva and Marat Isayev

mother and son who use the services of a hibuki therapist

Ksenia Shymanska

moderator, director of the NGO Docudays Human Rights Department


The human rights events of the 20th Docudays UA are unified by the image of the future, part of which is recovery after our victory.