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broadcast recording 08 November, 13:54

From the Mai­dan to the full­sca­le war: A con­ver­sa­tion with film­ma­ker Ro­man Bon­dar­chuk about do­cu­men­ta­ry film­ma­king

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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Watch a recording of the conversation from the DOCU/CLUB Network and Vgoru Media Platform on DOCUSPACE.


Roman Bondarchuk is known as the author of many documentaries and feature films which have won many awards at national and international film festivals. Some of his films have been included in the DOCU/CLUB Network film library, so the audiences of Docudays UA film clubs across Ukraine can watch and discuss them at their meetings.

The film Euromaidan. A Rough Cut, made in 2014, became the first feature-length film about the events of the Revolution of Dignity. After that, Roman worked on developing this subject as a producer in the short film almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan.

His 2015 film Ukrainian Sheriffs is about two residents of the village of Stara Zburyivka in the Kherson Region who volunteered to perform the functions of law enforcement. The film was Ukraine’s Oscar submission. And the story of the film’s protagonists inspired residents of many communities to introduce the position of a sheriff in their own village.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Roman Bondarchuk became a co-initiator of the Ukraine War Archive, a joint project by NGO Docudays and Infoscope. This platform stores photo, video and audio materials about the war in Ukraine. The Ukraine War Archive team, led by Roman Bondarchuk, have already made their first documentary this year, the film Witnesses, based on eyewitness testimonies of the occupiers’ crimes in the Kyiv Region.


The development of the DOCU/CLUB Network is funded by USAID, the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and Fondation de France. 

The opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed at the meeting belong to its participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the governments or charities of these countries. Responsibility for the contents of the discussion lies solely on its participants.


Roman Bondarchuk

art director of the Docudays UA, director of documentary and feature films, member of the Board of the Ukrainian Film Academy, co-founder of the Ukraine War Archive project

Co-director of the almanac Euromaidan. Rough cut, which was included in the Best of Fests program at the IDFA festival in Amsterdam. In 2015, hisfirst full-length work Ukrainian Sheriffs won the IDFA Special Jury Award and was selected as the Ukrainian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards. In 2019, Bondarchuk won the Shevchenko National Prize.