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broadcast recording 03 June, 20:00

Wor­king for the fu­tu­re des­pite the war: How to de­ve­lop hu­man po­tential

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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The full-scale war has hit the demographic and economic situation in Ukraine hard. According to estimates, in the next few years Ukraine may lose millions of its economically active citizens. In order to stimulate the process of citizens’ return from abroad, save the country from a demographic disaster and rapid economic decline, the government must demonstrate to people that it is able to give everyone an opportunity to realise their potential in the professional, social, educational, and other spheres of life. Because it is not enough to provide only for the basic needs and security needs, we need to engage workers from other countries and increase birth rates.

What can the state offer people today in the conditions of war? How should educational and public institutions, private businesses change in order to meet the challenges of wartime and postwar economy to the best of their ability? How should the Ukrainian economy change in the near future in order to ensure sustainable development and economic growth?


Oleksandr Gladun

Deputy Director of the M. Ptukha Institute of Demographics and Social Research

Sofiia Sereda


Valeriy Pekar

economist, lecturer at Kyiv-Mohyla Business School and Lviv UCU Business School


In the Human Rights Programme, we have tried to trace the causal relationships between the processes launched by the Russian aggression and make sense of their impact on our future. 

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